How does a child come to believe in something?
By hearing of it over and over and over again.
Why else do parents insist on church whether you like it or not?
Or go to the trouble to dress up as Santa, or take you to the mall to 'prove' his existence?
The only difference now that you're an adult, is that you've been failed a time or two. You are aware now that discernment is important when choosing what to believe in. The openness of your innocent child heart has been replaced with a peep-hole and a lock, so that you can CHOOSE what you will let in or keep out.
I attended a self-effectiveness seminar in November of 2010. I was in a bad place. I was in the midst of my second divorce, I was homeless & living on food stamps while cleaning houses and raising five children. I needed to make a BIG SHIFT if my life was ever going to change for the better. A portion of the seminar suggests you make a contract of sorts, with yourself - to become the person you want. I struggled very much with not believing the words staring back at me on my contract. I had "claimed" them for myself, but I did not feel them on any level. I did not know HOW I was going to be that woman. Often, just looking at my contract would send me spinning into analysis. I began to think I'd been duped. I felt foolish at times staring at my contract. I was NOT admirable, NOT at all BOLD, and REDEEMED??? Uhhhh, are you joking??? Have you met some of the folks in my life who keep a running total of my historical sin list?
I had an epiphany sitting on the front porch of my home with two of my Seminar Trainers (who had befriended me) months after the seminar had ended. I was in a desperate situation and struggling to understand how to deal with it. I kept talking (in mind numbing circles) about what I could DO, HOW I could DO it. Stacey turned to me and simply said: "Alli, state your contract." I responded in laughter and mockingly replied in a Forrest Gump accent; "I am an admirable, bold and redeemed woman". At that moment she stood up (full on trainer mode) and stared me square in the eye and firmly stated: "Allison McKenna, you don't believe it yet. Until you do - you will flounder like you are right now and hold on to your victimization like a blanket of comfort."
Until I believe it.
Well crud. How do I believe in things?
... and then it came to me. My relationships with Stacey & Sharon were crucial. They saw in me the things I did not yet believe for myself. In the days to come I had to BOLDLY review and exchange my relationships. I had to surround myself with people who ADMIRED me, and who saw me as REDEEMED. People who saw in me the things I did not yet believe for myself. I stopped spending time with the people in my life who fed my negativity, who held me down or used me as their door mat. I realized that I would not become the person I wanted if I did not BELIEVE in myself ... and I was struggling to believe without the daily affirmations I needed to change out all of my negative self talk.
We come to believe in things because we hear of them over and over and we begin to see proof based on those thoughts because our perspective shifts. Our minds are an incredible machine ... be careful what you feed it as it takes in everything you offer.
Fill your brain, your spirit and your heart with all of the things you need folks ...SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THOSE THAT SEE IN YOU WHAT YOU DO NOT YET BELIEVE FOR YOURSELF ...
your POWER is dependent upon it.
Love you,
"FAITH [belief] is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion. There are millions of people who BELIEVE themselves "doomed" to poverty and failure, because of some strange force over which they BELIEVE they have no control. They are the creators of their own "misfortunes," because of this negative BELIEF, which is picked up by the subconscious mind, and translated into its physical equivalent. When men first come into contact with crime, they abhor it. If they remain in contact with crime for a time, they become accustomed to it, and endure it. If they remain in contact with it long enough, they finally embrace it, and become influenced by it. If it be true that one may become a criminal by association with crime, (and this is a known fact), it is equally true that one may develop faith by voluntarily suggesting to the subconscious mind that one has faith. The mind comes, finally, to take on the nature of the influences which dominate it. Understand this truth, and you will know why it is essential for you to encourage the positive emotions as dominating forces of your mind, and discourage--and eliminate negative emotions." -- Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill [1938]