Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It's their training.

We all have lessons to learn, experiences to grow from, things we will need to come to terms with, adventures we will need to be a part of ... and we all need to do it at our own pace for it to ever truly impact us on a level that causes ownership or action. 

I have to remind myself that each person I come in contact with is a gift to this planet and is on a special mission of their own in this lifetime - one that will allow for them to learn from lessons only when they are good and ready to be impacted by them.  I hear people often (and am guilty of this too at times) grumbling behind another's back about how they "just don't get it", about how they "told him so" but she "just never learns" and "keeps doing the same thing over and over & never changes." 

As ego centered creatures I believe we often wish to impart our wisdom on other's more for our own validation than the true desire to aid or assist the person struggling.  We like to rant, to lecture, to "teach", to persuade, to coach, to protect & to direct because WE learned it, WE figured it out, WE now see the bigger picture, and now that somehow grants us the right to be condescending to our peers who haven't yet gleaned the wisdom we did from what often started as our own mistake!? 

I have to challenge myself to speak only on my behalf.  To not correct, direct or lecture another based on my personal views, my opinions, my own pace, my own experiences, or to merely enlarge my head.  I have failed at this terribly in my life in the past.  I have wanted to be appreciated, admired, recognized, validated and pursued and thought that I could achieve such by throwing my knowledge, my opinions, my beliefs around like a fool with a sword.  

As I peer back into history, some of the most impactful leaders on this planet (Jesus, Buddha & Gandhi to name a few) weren't folks who spent much time if ANY on a stage or at a pulpit lecturing to the the crowds about how to live their life ... no, they got their hands dirty, they were humble, they were an example by their actions, and when asked for their personal advice & for their wisdom to be imparted on a struggling PEER these men responded to questions with questions.  They responded with stories.  With humble grace & compassion.  With respect. Some of the MOST admired spiritual leaders this planet has ever known VALUED every individual's path as his own & granted each the dignity & the respect to allow them to learn, understand, comprehend & grow at their very own honorable pace.  

I believe every single soul on this planet has the right to learn on their own time, free of my condemnation or ridicule.  I believe there are some that don't want to learn, and I believe there are some so eager for growth they will throw themselves into some of the most terrifying situations in order to conquer their fears.  No matter where you are on your journey, I respect that it is yours. I cherish that my Creator is yours and that my job on this planet is to merely love you where you are ... not compete against it in any fashion or judge your progress.  

It's their training. LET GO of forcing their speed, their pace, their understanding & just RESPECT them.  
They may proceed at their own pace ... I will merely challenge us all to keep moving, to keep risking, to keep learning & to keep growing. 

Love as always - 
~ Alli  

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